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Stalking, harassment and bullying on social networks for the creation of false evidence.

The persecution, illegal surveillance and death threats by members of the hitmen and members of
drug trafficking in Medellín-Antioquia.

The illegal hacking and theft of his and his family's bank accounts.

The attempted financial blockade through the country's banking system and the payment gateway for electronic payments over the internet.





The illegal persecution and intentional blocking of their work in mayors' offices.

Also in companies, public schools in Bogotá-Cundinamarca Similarly, the blockade occurred in the mayor's office of Itagüí, La Estrella in Antioquia.

This occurred in the public schools of Barrancabermeja-Santander.

The economic blockade was carried out with the connivance of members of the Police, mayoral officials, Government Secretariats in Estrella and police inspectors in La Estrella.


The purpose of this great evil is to prevent their literary and artistic work from being known, nor from coming to light in a massive way.

Kia has created a new macroproject offered to the municipalities of La Estrella and Itagûì in 2022 and the first half of 2023.

Likewise, she wrote a series of (14) fourteen books, along with a pedagogical series of (8) books on emotional health and mental health by age.

The FORMER PRESIDENT of the period in question seeks to steal and illegally appropriate again and then say that it is the authorship of the political leader he

The purpose of this new form of plagiarism seeks to establish dominance of new ideas in the national government, through the distribution of these ideas to its chosen candidates in different political positions within the government.

All this is done before the elections to council, representation to the chamber, mayoralties and governorships
in the country.


This illegal persecution of which Kia Bo Roi has been a victim. He has also sought to create false evidence as an administrative crime to imprison her.

those who persecute it assume in their sexist, classist, social segregationist logic, as well as from their obsessive and envious jealousy of false appropriation of institutional territoriality that:

"They are the only ones who can communicate, relate or trade with States, organizations and intergovernmental settings of power."

Having made the offer to sell or donate her work in kind.

As well as supporting international commercial management with other States and companies abroad to provide some priority educational implements in schools, intentionally abandoned by the  Education secretarie
s, the mayors' offices and the Colombian State.

The destroyed physical infrastructure of these public schools, by following the guidelines of intergovernmental organizations that dictate the discouragement of education.

This logic seeks to benefit privatization and avoid the nationalization of Education.

This is the new social control strategy found by Kia Bo Roi that has caused her work on emotions to be blocked.

His detractors try to hide the evidence, and perpetuate his work over time and forever until his death.

The criminal complaint filed by her in the prosecutor's office, the systematic economic blockade of businesses and contracts, to prevent the monetization of her work and thus block payment to collaborators and suppliers, has been perpetuated over time until the present in October 2023.

Conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime against public safety. Meanwhile, vigilantism or illegal espionage is an infraction against the security of the State.

Art. 13. Political Constitution of Colombia. All people are born free and equal before the law, will receive the same protection and treatment from the authorities and will enjoy the same rights, freedoms and opportunities without any discrimination based on sex, race, national or family origin, language, religion, opinion political or philosophical. Constituent assembly gazettes of 1991. No 4,5,6,7,9,10,20,22,25,26,27,29,34,37 51,60,63,69.82 and 87. The State will promote the conditions so that equality is real and effective, and will adopt measures in favor of discriminated or marginalized groups. The State will especially protect those people who, due to their economic, physical or mental condition, are in circumstances of manifest weakness, and will punish the abuses and mistreatment committed against them.

Of crimes connected to the crime of espionage. Art. 413 Colombian Penal Code. Abuse of authority by arbitrary and unfair act. The public servant who, outside of the cases specially provided for as punishable conduct, on the occasion of his duties or exceeding the exercise of them, commits an arbitrary and unfair act, will incur a fine and loss of employment or public office.

Financial crimes and criminal policy in Colombia through the use of commercial sabotage and financial panic through defamation, slander and insult as a policy of terror. Although financial law and the dissertation on criminal policy and financial crimes in Colombia is incipient and has been distorted in a Manichean and tendentious manner to distort the possibility that citizens can generate massive material wealth legally and without violating the rules of the law. It is clear that it is necessary to reflect on the legal and illegal regulations in which the State can operate when officials, or governors of the State, are dedicated to designing illegal conduct that harms commercial, mercantile or strictly financial traffic that affects the social order of the economic public. But in the case of the citizen producer and generator of material wealth, individually, where the private economic order is affected, situations occur that leave him totally defenseless, the individual damage suffered that is generated is irreparable. economic, constitute a classic illicit generated by the State itself against a single citizen. Here, in the case of Kia Bo Roi, not only has the fundamental human right of democracy been violated by her being able to apply the capitalist economic policy of "laissez faire" (do and let do) legally by generating massive wealth through organic marketing and sales management of their products and services, but also their constitutional right to equality has been violated, by coercing and collapsing their economy for the simple fact of being a woman.

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Jean Carlos Flórez de Andrade. 

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