Aside 2-1
What I thank
“my enemies”.
"Oh! While I am alone, wandering,
separated from my dear friends;
When the empty body reflection of my own mental ideas shines upon me.
May the Buddhas exercise their power of compassion and grant
that there is no fear in the bardo,
neither horror nor terror!
While I endure the miseries of bad karma, may the Tutelary Deities dispel
these miseries!
When thousands of thunders of the sound of Reality reverberate,
May they be nothing but the sound of the Six Syllables!
When karma follows us and we are without a protector,
May the Compassionate One protect me;
I beg you!
When I endure here the miseries of karmic tendencies.
May the
radiation of the happy and clear light of Samadhi(*1) shine upon me!”
“This sincere prayer will be a sure guide for you. You can be sure that you will not be disappointed.
This is of great importance. Through this prayer, even once the memory will come to you and the recognition and liberation will be fulfilled.”
Taken from The Tibetan Book of the Dead. [2003]. Ed. Lectorum. Mexico. P.92.
I am grateful to other beings who passed through my life, disguised as friends, and then took on the role of enemies.
Their work at the end of the day was fundamental in my inner growth. Well, they were in charge of showing me my own shadow, my own Medusa.
There in the secret of my inner nature I was able to see, and contemplate without regard or compassion, through their faces and bodies, what were the harmful patterns of behavior that also lived inside me from very ancient lives. Only in this way did I tear them from my soul.
To them, my “apparent enemies” and who, in the words of the French philosopher Jacques Derridá, in his book Politics of Friendship, describes the following conception of enmity and antipathy, which only the dying, the wise and the crazy accept.
Along with this author I have to say:
““Feinde, es gibt keinen Feind!”, ruf ich, der lebende Tor”
(“Enemies, there are no enemies!”
exclaims the living madman.)
Each one passed through my life as quickly as a leaf flying aimlessly wherever the wind takes it.
They were the ones who gave me a particular approach to their presence-absence in my story, and who helped me banish my fear of being authentic.
Since from their envious, greedy, petty, obsessive, jealous, vengeful and ambitious corpus they gave me strength to love and accept what I am.
Some loved what they saw in me so much. They wanted it so much that they learned to hate my face and my life, without even realizing it.
I understood over time that their hatred was not really towards me, but rather towards what they saw within themselves:
An inverted mirror, which blindly showed them that they did not own anything of what they saw when sharing and walking in my company, or away from it.
While each one believed that he had nothing to share with others or with me, and while trying to capture my own treasure for himself, I realized something surprising:
I discovered my big wings. Some that allowed me to fly above cruelty.
While I understood in mid-flight that the greater the damage or evil inflicted by my enemies on my life, the greater the release of my own karma would be, and the better the path would be paved to live my future experiences and my destiny.
I saw with total clarity that the darker the abyss and the suffering they would have to endure for having unleashed their fury against me.
For that reason, I did nothing against them, nor did I wish them any harm in my mind and heart.
The deep understanding of my enemies.
Although there were times when my anger and rage towards their criminal behavior and evil made me consider, on more than one occasion, that the human species was not worth it.
The almighty energy of pure love and pure light that inhabits me; that is, God or light, allowed me to see in each of my clairvoyant visions that:
These enemies incarnated in human bodies are inhabited and governed by entities, beings and demons from the superuniverses of darkness and ultraviolence.
These beings and entities would have crossed the thresholds to this earth, stealing the bodies at the moment of incarnation of the human soul.
Seconds before the birth and birth, towards this material plane, of the newborn that was carried (9) nine months in the womb of a human woman.
The vivid understanding of this lucid truth enabled me to prepare my spirit for the great war.
What kind of war do human beings fight daily?
Not physical warfare, the one where you use weapons and swords to injure or destroy your rival.
I understood that the war I was fighting and for which I was preparing was spiritual. One that later materialized in the material world.
I faced hundreds of daily battles silently in the invisible world.
I fought alongside my mother (one of my protective angels), alongside my beautiful guardian angel, alongside the thousands of angelic sephiras that protect my path and destiny.
Who have been my great protectors in this war?
In this merciless war with "my enemies", I have been accompanied and protected by my angels and brothers, the canis lupus familiaris, the felis catus, the equus caballus, the falconiformes, the cathartidae, the canis lupus, the panthera leo, the world of the dead, my shaman ancestors, my aristocratic ancestors, and my elevated ancestors who come from the (8th) eighth superuniverse, where I come from.
I had the unrestricted support of the great celestial court of the judges of Karma who govern and dispense divine justice in all the superuniverses, to wage this war that has sought my physical death on this plane.
This star that is part of my nature cannot be twisted, deflected or distorted by any human or superhuman power.
I had to battle in the company of my great almighty protectors and ancestors of the superuniverses of light.
In that interworld where all the sephiras of the angelic worlds coexist with us, my ancestors, my spiritual teachers of the elevated superuniverses of the (5th) fifth, (6th) sixth, (7th) seventh, (8th) eighth, (9th ) ninth, (10th) tenth, (11th) eleventh and the subsequent dimensions and superuniverses of the worlds of light, where dwell the angels of hope, faith, compassionate intelligence and the great Compassionate and the universal source:
I had the unrestricted support of the great celestial court of the judges of Karma who govern and dispense divine justice in all the superuniverses, to wage this war that has sought my physical death on this plane.
This star that is part of my nature cannot be twisted, deflected or distorted by any human or superhuman power.
Since the one who sent me is the very God of pure love and pure light.
It was the eternal one who sent me and fought for me. I have only remained silent.
My great spiritual task on this planet is and continues to be:
the protection of the species and of human and non-human souls (animals, elementals and nature) against the hatred felt by other exoterritorial non-human species, which attack them as their true enemies.
It is these entities of darkness, who demonically possess and rule, with the consent and free will of human souls, their bodies, minds and lives in unimaginable ways.
I must clarify that my life, since I was a child, has always moved between animals, nature and what is known as "the mundus imaginalis or the world between worlds."
However, my experiences on this earth will soon come to an end.
My spiritual task on this plane will soon be completed, and I will have to return to my planet of origin in the eighth superuniverse upon disincarnating from this plane.
Which is why the simple and humble nature that I learned from my mother not only gave me the cloak of invisibility that protected me for a time from the eye of evil, but also taught me to look in perspective at what greatness means for us. My kind in the eighth superuniverse.
It means:
live, value and sow inner peace wherever it reaches. Despite the multiple adversities that "my enemies" generate in my valuable life.
I have not longed for greatness, rather I have shunned it.
Although since my childhood, I know well, I am destined for her.
I learned with some pain that it was necessary for me to begin what humans call: "the great awakening."
This awakening is nothing other than the inner clarity of knowing with certainty that the world that had inhabited this plane was that of the illusion and uncertainty of the visible.
I needed to enter the realms of certainty of the invisible world.
I learned to walk, run, and fly on that subtle plane.
Each of "these enemies" gave me the strength necessary to protect my mother, my cat and dog children, my soul family, as well as those who betrayed me.
Since my only purpose always was and has been to help you free yourself from great karma.
The liberation of family karma, as well as the collective karma that has taken from me these (48) forty-eight years of life, in the midst of the great campaign of defamation and terror that my ancient and recent enemies sowed against me.
Not only now during these (17) seventeen, and the last (8) eight years, but since my early childhood due to being an adopted child and due to the origin of the biological family from which I come.
The release of the collective karma of my soul family has also allowed me to understand that the roots of that family are disseminated and scattered throughout the planet.
For this reason I have found myself in the urgent need to translate my work into more than (14) fourteen languages.
All this, so that my work can provide emotional tools to all those who fight wars similar to mine, anywhere on the planet, and know how to defend themselves from the darkness that continually attacks humans and this world.
My purpose on this earth as an exoterritorial being embodied in a human body.
On the other hand, this war that I have waged by deconstructing multiple battles, monsters and demons, has involved my continuous transformation and the explicit revelation of one of my purposes on this planet, which is:
Become a protective shield and an energetic shield for this third superuniverse, which is actually the great luminous cord of light and love that protects the highest superuniverses from darkness.
It is in that light cord where planet Earth is located.
The unveiling of my deep nature has no other purpose than to establish the first beginnings towards the necessary transition that planet Earth and its inhabitants undertake towards the elevated mind of the (4th) fourth and (5th) fifth dimensions or elevated superuniverses of light.
Since my energetic presence and that of the animals as beings from the (8th) eighth superuniverse from which I come.
It has no other purpose than to remind humans that, to achieve hyperabundance, it is only necessary to fill the saddlebags of the angels of faith, hope, compassion, along with the backpack of creativity, joy, and goodness. and unlimited generosity.
This necessary transition will allow human beings to understand that the keys to prosperity have always been within themselves and that no one has ever been alone.
Since there are many beings who come from elevated superuniverses and we are on earth, next to you.
Our job when incarnating as human beings is to protect you from your own excesses, and always guide you towards the path of light and infinite love that the universal source of love has had for and for each of you.
All of this that I mention has happened in the consciousness of knowing that "my enemies" have incarnated in human bodies, and that this nature shields them from being physically eliminated by our species.
One, full of goodness, infinite wisdom and great compassionate intelligence. For that reason, despite my free will in choosing to physically eliminate them.
Since that is also a choice when you are incarnated as a human woman or man, I never touched them. Even though they physically had given me great pain and extreme suffering.
What was the decision I made to get through the portal of darkness created by my enemies?
My decision, upon passing through the portal of darkness, was never to decide for evil and cruelty, but quite the opposite. I always decided to serve the light, the universal source of love.
That's what the test is about. In the midst of the choice that I also went through: "that of being able to give my heart to evil";
Despite the cruelty that "my enemies" designed for me, I decided to stop their excesses, using legal and judicial means, both national and international.
Although some of these paths are also permeated by corruption in Colombia.
My last battle like a Samurai warrior
I have decided to fight the last battle in this normative scenario that operates in the human world, as a replica of the heavenly courts led by karmic judges, who know everything and nothing is hidden from their eyes.
Other protective angels come to my aid to replace me in the last part of this judicial battle that is being undertaken, to clear my good name and the reputation of my character.
Which was killed, finished off and counter-killed in so many possible ways that I can no longer mention the abysses caused by these very ancient enemies.
These adversaries who traveled and incarnated again and again, from life to life. Some from my home planet.
Others originate from planets belonging to the superuniverses of darkness and ultraviolence.
Each one of them has traveled to continue hindering my destiny and the spiritual work that has been entrusted to me in this, which is my last existence on this planet.
After this last moment, I only wish to return to my eternal nature:
hat of kindness, joy, hypercreativity, love, compassionate intelligence, forgiveness, light.
When going through the darkest moments that "my enemies" made me experience, my daily prayer was always to ask for protection so that the Compassionate One would protect my mind, emotion and heart from the frightening seeds of hatred that "my adversaries" launched and continue to launch against me.
It is extremely important to make this note. Since each of our exoterritorial species has incarnated as a human, and also as a protector of human and non-human beings, as well as human souls as a neonate species.
This understanding of "the enemies", contrary to what it may seem, has taught me to forgive them in detachment, without hatred, in the silence and in the distance that implies, the asymmetry created by the fractal from which they have seen me. yesteryear.
What I am trying to explain is that the great damage that "my enemies" carried out against my life gave me greater blessings and favors than I ever expected to receive from the God of pure light.
They freed me from my karma by clearing my path, while binding for themselves, and over eons of reincarnations to their lives, the bad karma that they have now captured for themselves, and which, in turn, accompanies them.
It makes no sense to express desires, hateful intentions and harmful thoughts that revolve around murder, revenge, envy, bad desires, malicious rumors, fear, hatred, selfishness, excessive ambition, bad-looking ego, greed, pride, vanity, lust, theft or avarice towards any human being, animal, plant or object.
Since these emotional corpuses are rapid portals that attract suffering, pain, illness, madness, suicide, ruin, misery, spiritual and material poverty, as well as chaos and death.
Each of these emotional corpus prevents prosperity from reaching one's life.
“My enemies” unknowingly taught me the meaning of learning to have fun, to grow in dance, writing, music and art, in the midst of the pain and suffering that I suffered thanks to them.
“My enemies” helped me grow as a free spirit, and taught me to transform every adversity into an opportunity in my favor.
To “my enemies”, my great teachers, and my devolved brothers who will need billions of lives to grow in the spirit of love.
I say goodbye to them as samurai warriors do, who respect their opponent, are grateful for the game of war in which they were included without even knowing it, and without underestimating them.
However, my warrior nature knows that spiritually, and on a human level, they have already been captured, bound and chained by their own evil.
A darkness that unfolded in many ways over my life and the lives of my loved ones during all these years and during multiple lives over my ancestral soul lineage.
In the midst of it all, I can clearly see that each of my enemies really weren't enemies. For this reason I must affirm:
Thank you!
For having been my true friends.
First written and corrected on November twenty-nine (29), 2018 in the year of the earth dog.
Written and corrected for the second time on the first (1) of November 2023 in the year of the water rabbit-tiger.
Samadhi(*1): Detachment of Consciousness from the levels of manifestation reabsorbed in it. Level of spiritual realization.
Identification of the subject and the object, perfect recollection, “enstasis”. In classical yoga, it is the supreme result of asceticism.
But each school has defined it in its own way, distinguishing various degrees. The lighting.
The state of “entasis”. The last degree of knowledge assimilated to the Divine. Equivalent to Satori in the Buddhist field.
Ascesis: Set of practices and habits that the ascetic follows to achieve moral and spiritual perfection.
Asceticism: A set of exercises and practices that reflect an austere lifestyle and renunciation of material pleasures in order to achieve moral and spiritual perfection through these new habits.
Ascetic: A person who seeks to achieve moral and spiritual perfection through the practice of asceticism.
Entasis: (from the Latin entasis and this from the Greek ἔντασις (tension) It is an area of the Greek column of the Doric order that has a larger diameter.
The purpose of the entasis is to confer a better aesthetic and visual sensation. Since it confers more harmony to the shaft and It gives the impression of greater slenderness to the columns.
Shaft: Part of a column or pillar included between the base and the capital.
Base: Lower piece of a column or pillar on which the shaft rests.
Capitel: pyramidal, polygonal or conical piece that finishes the top of a tower or roof.