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Why do public officials

and even

two former presidents,

who were senators of the republic in connivance with State agencies


the Colombian ParaState, spy,


illegally persecute


seek to assassinate

Kia Bo Roi?

Violations of your moral rights.

The criminal acts AGAINST

Kia Bo Roi

were committed and continue to be committed due

to machismo,

excessive ego,





bad-looking vanity,

which accompanies those who pursue it.

This illegal persecution and vigilantism seeks to hide that:

It was she, a woman, who wrote the following works and projects that generated large amounts of money for the country, without her receiving any benefit from her creative and investigative work.

This violation of their moral authorship, as a result of social prejudice and discourse in androcentric and militaristic scenarios, was generated by not wanting to recognize their work and talent, while they tried to attribute it to a group of men, to perpetuate the cultural logic of power, domination. and submission over women.

1. Partial and total plagiarism, as well as impersonation of his moral rights in one of his works by the ECSAN, the National Police, the Ministry of Defense and the national government in power from 2002 to 2010.

This creative work carried out by Kia Bo Roi in 2008 and of his moral authorship condenses the methodological adaptation for Colombia, Latin America and some Middle Eastern countries of the Culture of Legality Project, which generated the national government of the time about 283 million dollars from the US State Department.

2. Failure to comply with the verbal confidentiality clauses notified to the military leadership and the Colombian national government that governed from 2019 to 2022.

In a closed-door meeting with about (12) twelve people as witnesses, the State, from these former presidents, illegally adapted and sold parts of their intellectual production and their macro social project of environmental protection on bodies of water, reforestation in the Amazon and emotional health to (4) four countries (Holland, Norway, Germany and the United Kingdom) evaluated in:

U$ (2,166,000,000) Two thousand one hundred and sixty-six million dollars. 

The penal code in its article 270, which deals with the violation of moral copyright rights; refers to increased penalties according to article 14 of law 890 of 2004, which implies: Imprisonment of (32) thirty-two to (90) ninety months and fines of (26.66) twenty-six point sixty-six to (300) three hundred current legal monthly minimum wages.

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Image by Brad Fickeisen


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Kia Bo Roi.
With the initial collaboration in the adjustement of templates
Jean Carlos Flórez de Andrade. 

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