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psychopathy in your animals.

The current extortionate kidnapping against his (3) three dog children Itoshi, Soet Heid and Shizu Bo Roiz and the mistreatment of his (20) twenty dog ​​children.


animal abuse, concealment, illegal retention, ​ the fraudulent hospitalization CURRENTLY of (9) nine of his dog children with the connivance of:

(1) a prosecutor,

(1) an official from the mayor's office of Bogotá,

(3) three daycare directors,

(how many? unknown) members of the police,

and (1) a police inspector from Calera-Cundinamarca.

The sadistic and psychopathic pleasure evidenced as a negative emotional pattern in one of the directors of one of the daycare centers, when inflicting pain and suffering on Kia's (9) nine dog children through hunger as a social experiment and as a sample of retaliation and of evil against her. ​

The complacent observation of the pain and his pleasure in inflicting suffering on them, along with the hangings to which he subjected his male dog Pony Li and his male puppies until they were left without air to breathe.


Extorsive kidnapping

This same director abused (3) three of her dogs by kidnapping them for extortion, and then collected ($13,000,000) thirteen million pesos, when the amount pending payment did not exceed ($1,600,000) one million six hundred thousand pesos per (13) thirteen days of hunger, beatings and mistreatment against their dog children.

After this false director abandoned (6) six of his dog children to hunger and abandonment in the daycare center that he decided to sell.

Another compassionate person who bought the implements was the one who rescued and fed his (6) six puppies, saving them from death after having found them tied up, starving and abandoned.

​This same false daycare director kidnapped (3) three of his puppies and decided to charge ($54,000,000) fifty-four million pesos to get them back. ​

The prosecutor in charge was aware of the evidence that confirms the extortion by this false animal protector. ​

Illegal trafficking

Despite this, the prosecutor in charge did nothing, he allowed the extortionate kidnapping and illegal trafficking of his female dog Itoshi and his (2) two male dogs Soet Heid and Shizu Bo Roiz, leaving them exposed to illegal procreation, subjecting them to her puppies to mistreatment, sexual abuse and violence to have puppies for the illegal sale.





She delivery of his (3) three dogs,


Soet Heid



along with Itoshi's babies taken in a violent and illegal way.


Another of the directors of another daycare, together with one of his former employees, sexually raped his (2) two dog daughters Itoshi and Nala Bo Roiz. ​


When confronted about the bleeding and resistance of the dogs, along with the terror they experienced upon seeing this other false director again, not only could he not deny it, but he decided to attack with arguments that guaranteed him impunity and impossibility, to prove that he had raped them.

However, it was later verified, in one of the audios in which he is confronted and he does not deny it, that he is involved in said violations against Kia's (2) two dog daughters. ​


The cycle of terror against Kia's animals extended to fraudulent internment, illegal detention, beating them in areas that are not detected by the verifying eye of some prosecutor's official as a mechanism of retaliation against Kia.



The animal abuse of her other (8) eight dog children by a caregiver at another daycare in Medellín.


These (8) eight dog children that she adopted in the city of La Estrella and Itaguí were victims of animal abuse by inserting drug capsules into their stomachs to then create false evidence against Kia, to falsely accuse her of illegal drug trafficking.


When they realized that Kia was going to report them to the prosecutor's office, they decided to wash the stomachs of their eight dogs, before taking them to the veterinarian to verify the veracity of the facts through x-rays. ​


Both the former president and those reported to the prosecutor's office from Bogotá are linked to this false evidence.

Attacks psychics through witchcraft.

The use of black magic to deform her face, making her mother and herself deathly ill.

Carrying out animal sacrifices and human babies as part of black magic rituals that sought to bring about lethal illnesses, madness and physical death for her mother and herself.

This was done in complicity with the civilians involved in Colombia, the USA and the former president.


Plot to fraudulently admit Kia's mother to an asylum.

The attempted fraudulent confinement in an asylum against his mother in connivance with (1) a manager and owner of a hotel, an alleged paramilitary, in collusion with:

(how many? unknown)

members of the police,

senior officials of the Mayor's Office of Angelópolis,


(1) a police inspector in Angelópolis-Antioquia.




The second time they tried to murder Kia was planned from the attempted robbery of her mother's real estate by relatives.

Each of them entered into collusion with members of the paramilitarism. ​


The accused and the former president also colluded with members of the police in order to murder her and her mother in Barrancabermeja-Santander. ​ ​

The life of Kia Bo Roi and her animals is still in danger! ​

Kia Bo Roi demands

justice before all legal instances so that his three puppies are delivered to him immediately and without any type of coercion through economic means. ​

Since the same defendants and the former president have been in charge of blocking the money to make payments to the daycare centers that care for and protect Kia's dogs. ​

Third Plot

to murder her

while she is looking for another of his dogs

in Angelópolis-Antioquia.

The plot to murder Kia Bo Roi ranges from trying to murder her while she is traveling to the municipality of Angelópolis-Antioquia in order to recover another of her dogs called "Samara." ​

Samara was stolen by the owner of a Hotel, after he had given it to her. ​


This man has been criminally accused before the prosecution for having physically and verbally abused Kia Bo Roi and for having attempted to poison and then physically abused his dog children Kaia, Lilo, Bella, Kai, Nut, Nigra and Ébano Bo Roiz. ​


This accused works in complicity with the Angelópolis police inspector, some hitmen, members of the police and paramilitaries.

Plot to incriminate Kia in a crime by creating false evidence and reiterating the economic blockade against her.

Similarly, Kia has struggled to open new economic paths to pay its collaborators.


Which is why currently their economic paths have continued to be blocked by order of this former president. ​


Currently, on October 13, 2023, the paramilitaries in complicity with members of the police, the army and the hitmen tried to murder her at the door of her mother's house. ​

On Thursday, October 26, members of the Barrancabermeja thieves' network, in connivance with the paramilitaries, plan to steal Kia's laptop in order to have control over Kia's projects, work and intellectual production.


This new criminal plan has been directed by the former president in question. ​

The defamation of "madness" to remove credibility from the events narrated by Kia Bo Roi has continued to be perpetuated with impunity by members of the paramilitarism in all the work settings that Kia Bo Roi visits. ​

This latest handling of information confirms that members of the Attorney General's Office are leaking confidential information to the former president about the Kia Bo Roi case to continue stealing information from his intellectual work.


This, in turn, redirects the information to the paramilitaries, the police and the army. ​

In this way, not only the plot is ratified, but all of them follow direct orders from the former president. ​ ​


And how do we know which members of the prosecutor's office are involved in the leak of reported judicial information? ​

This is because the information about the emotional and mental pattern of "madness, sadism and psychopathy" detected in those accused and in the former president,

Kia only commented on it confidentially in the legal and judicial documents when referring to the harassment, stalking and obsessive illegal persecution, along with the assassination attempts of which she has been a victim by the accused and the former president.

Since only the former president has direct interference with state and parastatal organizations in a deep way. ​

This character in Colombian public life is in complicity with civilians. ​

These are some of the people who are already denounced with reliable evidence of their involvement in this plot, both in the Attorney General's Office, the Attorney General's Office, the Ombudsman's Office, the Supreme Court of Justice, the JEP.

At the international level, with the US Department of Immigration, the Miami prosecutor's office in Florida, the Miami Police in Florida.

This complaint has been notified to multiple international justice settings, as well as to the international media. ​

National media will only be notified as a last resort.

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 ©Website designed and developed by
Kia Bo Roi.
With the initial collaboration in the adjustement of templates
Jean Carlos Flórez de Andrade. 

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