¿What happened to Kia Bo Roi?
Barrancabermeja, september 23, 2023.
In february, 2015, Kia Bo Roi, a young woman, colombian of Catalan, German and black African descendt, declared a savant genius with autism and selective isolationism at the (10) ten years` old; was injustly accused through a criminal complaint, in the city of Piedecuesta-Santander, by one of her adoptive sisters of the alleged " kidnapping of their common mother: Graciela Ruiz de Gòmez".
This same sister, (4) four years ago had tried to murder him through hired hitmen, as retaliation against Kia, along with another of her adopted brothers who`d already died; by preventing the sale of a house, which her mother didn`t want to sell, and whom she`d decided to support unconditionally.
This first attack on her life generated a deep rupture, pain and suffering in Kia as she didn`t understand why there was so much hatred on the part of her adoptive brothers against her, without her having done anything to them, other than defending the economic interests of her mother. of all?
Despite this suffering in her soul and heart, she decided to silently guard such evil and avoided reporting them to the Prosecutor's Office. The goal was not to cause greater pain to his mother and to prevent further staining the name of his deceased adoptive father, as well as that of his family.
But Kia well knew that this anodyne hatred had its origin in the fact of t accepting her, since the ancient past, as a sister.
Her brothers didn`t forgive her for having been legally adopted by her Colombian parents at the age of (2) two years to be part of that family
In an analogous way to the defamation carried out by her brothers, Kia had already sent to the Piedecuesta prosecutor's office in Santander, compelling evidence along with visual recordings where her mother outright denied such slander. Thanks to this evidence, the case was dismissed.
Despite this favorable result, her sister became uncontrolled by hatred, and after having spoken with her mother, knowing that she was with Kia in perfect health, long before filing the first complaint.
Without caring about the truth, she decided to file a second defamatory complaint for "kidnapping", under the crime of perjury, before the Barrancabermeja-Santander Prosecutor's Office, knowing that it was lie.
When Kia found out in 2021 (6 years later) about her sister's irrational behavior, Kia decided to talk to her and peacefully ask her to drop the charges. Since she knew they were a lie.
However, the hatred that her sister felt for Kia was greater than good sense. Which is why he didn't care about Kia's pleas to drop the charges peacefully.
She again dismissed her mother's and Kia's pleas, and continued her vengeful behavior against her sister.
Even without Kia understanding the deep hatred that her sister felt for her. Kia chose to avoid denouncing her sister for a second time, out of love for her mother, out of shame, seeing that she hated her deeply without Kia having done anything to her, other than sincerely loving her; and for giving her the opportunity to reflect, leave her hatred in the past and manage to change. Unfortunately, that didn`t happen.
To what
was dedicated
Kia Bo Roi
for trigger
so much envy?
In an analogous way to this malicious situation, while Kia kept sadness in her heart due to the rejection of her brothers and the hatred they gave her, she dedicated herself to working in the city of Bogotá as an emotional coach for high-level executives.
On her Clients`list included public officials, university deans, teachers from public schools in Switzerland, students from private universities, and directors of multinational companies in Colombia, Panama and Switzerland, whom he successfully advised.
His research on emotions had reaped good results. This was demonstrated by his emotional healing techniques, which he successfully tested among this group of elite clients.
Her work and professional experience supported her work in emotional health and mental health, after having been an academic and social researcher for more than (30) thirty years for prestigious private schools and universities such as the Javeriana University, the Distrital University, the Sergio Arboleda University, Andes`` University and the Ministry of Defense from the National Police through the ECSAN.
His success at a professional and economic level came from his work helping and supporting emotional healing processes.
By using her gifts of clairvoyance and the emotional tools created and developed by herself for (30) thirty years, her clients began to enjoy their benefits, which were reflected in a better quality of life, greater joy and better interpersonal relationships. at a family and social level with their environment..
Their success in the process of breaking the karma of very old emotional patterns, anchored in the souls of individuals for eons of time, generated chaos and conflict in their lives and in the lives of their family units, affecting their economies.
During 2015, Kia's financial commitments were paid on time and continuously. However, this work and economic success began to arouse the envy of the people who rented her the small space that she had taken as an apartment to live with her mother and her dog children Itoshi y Nala Bo Roiz. An African Rodhesian and a German Belgian Malinois
This first defamation gave rise to a second and third macabre defamation in 2016 and 2017, by his adoptive brothers, and by the children of the owner of the apartment where he lived for rent in the city of Bogota.
That dark energy of envy gradually caused clients to begin to dwindle until they were left with none.
This situation led to delays in rent payments for the real estate he lived in.
This led to the paralysis of his business for (12) twelve months, one year, as a result of a traffic accident on a transmilenio bus in which Kia almost lost his life.
This physical attack, provoked on a psychological level by the daughter of the owner of the personal property, harassed mercilessly through bullying on social networks and stalking, was what unleashed the third wave of defamation against Kia, to later join those reported in the USA, the brothers adopters of Kia and a list of people who ended up believing her and linking themselves to the senseless smear campaign against her and her first company under the argument of "non-payment."
In reality, she was the one reported to the Prosecutor's Office along with the aforementioned groups who were in charge of blocking resources, destroying businesses and projects, as well as calling and poisoning Kia's potential clients to prevent her from being hired.
The purpose of this cruelty was to sadistically generate anguish, suffering and economic impoverishment that would prevent him from paying those who were his collaborators, suppliers and the loving daycare directors who took care of his dog children.
The second defamation, more lethal than the first, spread like a diaspora, as she was the one who supposedly "had killed her mother and buried her in the garden of her own house."
Despite knowing that such accusations were false rumors, since her adoptive siblings knew that her mother had chosen to live with her and they knew that she was in perfect health and well-being. They continued to spread such slander without any qualms among neighbors and strangers like wildfire in December, throughout the country.
As a result of this wave of anodyne cynical, envious and abusive hatred. All this unleashed through thought, the perverse mind and the intention of the malicious heart, began the meeting of those who, together with their brothers, had decided to meet by their own will, by similarity, and by destiny, as hidden enemies and Kia Bo Roi's visible actions to hurt and destroy her, without her even knowing it.
earthquake generated
third wave of hate disguised
of defamation, which became
policy of terror?
The third parties reported in Bogotà allied themselves with Kia's adoptive brothers, and gathered some of their former collaborators who ended up seeing her as an enemy.
The (2) two previous defamations gave strength to the third defamation, which became a series of slander and insults against his good name and reputation by inventing that "Kia Bo Roi was supposedly dedicated to "money laundering and prostitution", among some of the disseminated insults, when in reality they were the ones who were carrying out said illicit activities.
This occurred in connivance with a couple of psychopaths, lovers and people excited to create chaos, evil and conflict in the lives of others, who believed they were Bonnie & Clyde, and dragged an entire family group, couples, exes couples and neighbors in Miami and the USA.
They formed a satanic cult located in Miami-USA and dedicated to harming the emotional, economic and physical life of Kia Bo Roi.
All of this, through defamation, slander, insult, impersonation of her name and signature, use of Kia's name to commit crimes on social networks, illegal espionage, bullying on social networks, stalking, harassment, witchcraft and psychic attacks against her.
Another group of psychopaths and sadists made up of (2) two brothers from a prestigious family, along with the owners of a building management company, (3) three daycare directors, (1) a hacker, (2) two owners and ( 1) a manager of some hotels in Antioquia, several public officials, police inspectors, members of the police, members of the paramilitary, members of drug trafficking, members of the army and navy, and two former presidents in Bogotá -Colombia ended up involved in this illegal espionage and unprecedented obsessive acts to pursue Kia, terrorize her, and attempt to physically murder her.
Each of them ended up generating the economic blockade of the (2) two Kia Bo Roi companies.
Your first company:
dedicated to developing research,
social macroprojects,
advice on emotional health and mental health;
creation of literary products,
creation of shows,
audiovisual projects,
creation of artistic,
design projects,
products for animals,
among others.
His second company:
Mosorau ET,
dedicated to the development of Apps, streaming platforms,
new technologies;
design of neuromarketing strategies
creation of self-sustaining businesses from the line of cardiovascular fitness training.
This illegal persecution and the plot to murder Kia ended up pressuring her to forcibly move in order to stabilize herself economically and be able to obtain resources to pay her collaborators, while the accused persecuted her to block her resources and economic paths to prevent her massive monetization to clients, private and public companies nationally and in the USA, as well as in other countries.
Let's end the death threats, the murder plot by members of the police, in association with paramilitaries, members of the hitman and drug trafficking in the city of Angelópolis and Medellín-Antioquia and in Barrancabermeja-Santander against Kia Bo Roi. Let's put an end to vigilantism and the illegal interception of your telecommunications, as well as the satellite persecution of your life and that of your family.
Let's put an end to the espionage and illegal persecution against Kia Bo Roi by (how many? it is unknown) members of (2) two of the (3) three wings of the military leadership: members of the army, and(1) a former member of the navy. and members of the Police, in connivance with members of paramilitarism and members of drug trafficking.
The word envy comes etymologically from the Latin "in" which means "to put, go towards or on", and from the Latin "videre" which means "to look at". The word envy means "to set your sights on something." In this sense, Plato and discussions of rhetoric in ancient Greece affirm that envy is "the duplicity of evil pain and joy in the soul of the man who suffers from it." For this particular case, the anodyne hatred of those who orchestrated said persecution can be analogized to senseless pain and evil joy when wishing to harm another by trying to take away what one believes one does not have for oneself.
Instigation is in criminal terms "who incites another or others to commit crimes against someone" by rumor, defamation or bad faith. If the conduct is carried out to commit other crimes such as robbery, aggravated homicide, kidnapping for ransom, genocide, torture, forced population transfer, forced displacement, or homicide, the penalty is (120) one hundred twenty to (240) two hundred and forty months in prison. and from (800) eight hundred to (2000) two thousand current legal monthly minimum wages.